
Let f(x) = |x| for all real numbers x. Write the formula for the function represented by the describedtransformation of the graph of y = f(x).b. First, a vertical stretch with scale factor 3 is performed, then a reflection over the xx-axis, then a translation left4 units, and finally a translation up 5 units.

Accepted Solution

Answer:y = (-3f(x+4))+5Step-by-step explanation:Please see the picture below.1. Apply to the function the vertical stretch with scale factor 3:y = 3f(x)2. Multiply the function by -1 to reflect it over the x-axis:y = -3f(x)3. Add up 4 units from x to translate the function 4 units to the left:y = -3f(x+4)4. Add up 5 units to the entire function to translate it up 5 units:y = (-3f(x+4))+5